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    At A Recent Home Show

    We were at a recent home show and someone came up to us and wanted to know the Origin of their name. We did a FREE search and discovered that the Origin of her name was French. The look on her face was priceless. All these years she had heard your name was derived from Germany. We then showed the Meaning of her name and again she was amazed. The final part was to describe her Personally. If you had been there, you would have seen a small tear in her eyes. Her Personally was spot on and very true to her personally. You may ask Why was this so…

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    What’s In A Name?

    What’s in a name? “That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.” William Shakespeare uses this line in his play Romeo and Juliet to convey that the naming of things is irrelevant. I disagree. Every day, I strive to live up to my name: Bill. Our names are an incredibly important part of our identity.  Our name carries deep personal, cultural, family, and historical connections. The name also give us a sense of who we are, the communities in which we belong, and our place in the world. Your Name Is Your Identity A name is your identity. It’s what people call you, it’s…