Images 7

At A Recent Home Show

We were at a recent home show and someone came up to us and wanted to know the Origin of their name.

We did a FREE search and discovered that the Origin of her name was French.

The look on her face was priceless.

All these years she had heard your name was derived from Germany.

We then showed the Meaning of her name and again she was amazed.

The final part was to describe her Personally.

If you had been there, you would have seen a small tear in her eyes.

Her Personally was spot on and very true to her personally.

You may ask Why was this so important?

Your Name Is Your Personal Possession

As I describe in the article: “What’s In A Name” just knowing who you are for some people is personal.

“I want to know who I am, where I came from and who am I.”

She purchased the print on special background she found from hundred of backgrounds we have available.

As she walked away, she thanked us with such a voice that both my wife and myself had to step back and smiled knowing that we had enriched her life.

We Have Opened Up Many Other Lives

This was not the only life we touched.

At every event we go to, so many people are amazed in what they discover about themself and their name.

Again in the article: “Whats In A Name” I show the importance of a name and why some get so emotional.

Your name is unique…you own it…no one else will have what you have.

As my name is Bill, there are hundreds even hundreds of thousands of Bills. But here was never “This Bill” or will “Ever Be This Bill.”

Treasure your name…there will never be another YOU.

Her’s to a great friendship,

Bill Fletcher

To find out more about Images, we can be reached by calling 319-419-9200 during our business hours M-F 9:00 AM through 3:00 PM. If we are busy, please leave a message with your contact information and I will personally call you back as quickly as possibly.

Bill Fletcher

Bill is a Master Photographer. Professionally trained as a photographer, video, and art. Bill takes great pride in providing his customers with a unique quality product for display in the home, office or anywhere you may want to show these custom prints. Images 7 mission: "Our mission is to provide a unique quality product to be seen and enjoyed for many years."

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